Sunday, January 6, 2013

Battlegrounds Invitational battle report

The Battlegrounds invitational was yesterday, BG invited all the players who had won a qualifying event throughout the year or had scored enough points at those events throughout the year to qualify. A fun event with the best general and players choice each winning $400 in store credit.

Finally getting my ass in gear getting my vehicles painted up to Red Army standards, i still have a lot of detail painting and such to do before it is all ready for templecon. Hopefully Bill who is painting the Vostroyans can get them all done in time.

Here's the list i brought

1850 Invitational
Imperial Guard

HQ 1: Company command Squad 50 + 3 Plasma guns 45 + Chimera 55 + Medic 30 = 180
HQ 2: Primaris Psyker = 70
Troop 1: Veteran squad 70 + 3 Plasma guns 45 + Chimera 55 = 170
Troop 2: Veteran squad 70 + 3 Plasma guns 45 + Chimera 55 = 170
Troop 3: Veteran squad 70 + 3 Plasma guns 45 + Chimera 55 = 170
Troop 4: Infantry Platoon: 5 Infantry squads 250 + 3 Sergeants with power weapons 30 + Commissar 35 + Platoon command squad 30 + Grenade Launcher 5 = 350
Troop 5: Infantry Platoon: 2 Infantry squads 100 + 2 Autocannon Heavy weapon teams 20 + Platoon command squad 30 + Chimera 55 + 4 flamers 20 = 225
Heavy Support 1: Manticore =160
Heavy Support 2: Manticore =160
Heavy Support 3: Leman Russ Demolisher 165 + Multi Melta side sponsons 30 = 195

Round 1: VS Tyranids

I played a very similar Tyranid list 2 weeks ago and didn't do that well against it, this was mostly a repeat of that lol..Lots of Gargoyles,  3 Tervigons, Doom, etc

Deployment: Vanguard Strike Primary: Objectives Secondary: Kill points Tertiary: Vicotry point differential

Psyker powers: Endurance (woot woot FNP for my blob) and warp speed

I went first thankfully, no night fight which allowed me to put a early hurting on him with lots of Manticore pie plates and the demolisher.

What worked:
The manticores and demolisher performed well throughout the game doing heavy damage
The primary blob did well aided by FNP from the Psyker
Plasma and Multilasers did decent damage
Blob deployments ALMOST stopped doom from deep striking in

What Didn't
A ton of MCs was hard enough, with iron arm on most of them boosting it to T7,8,9 it became a near impossible task
Need to remember orders, another round of 1st rank, 2nd rank fire wouldn't of hurt

Scored 3 points out of 8 on the Tertiary for still having a lot of stuff on the board when time ran out. We only made it to turn 3 due to both of us having so much stuff to move around

Round 2: VS Grey Knights

My opponent didn't have a really optimal list for this since he was helping BG out by filling a slot at the last minute. Huge Draigo with all the goodies, Coteaz, kitted out strike squad, Psyrifleman and Dreadknight.

Deployment: 5th E Spearhead Primary: Objectives Secondary: Warlord in enemy deployment zone Tertiary: Victory point differential

Psyker powers: Nothing helpful, both witchfire powers

I was able to go first again even with Coteaz, dropped a bunch of pie plates from the manticores and demolisher on the Draigo bomb, killed the Apothecary giving FNP with my first shot helping me greatly. Got some plasma fire in first turn so pretty good. Psycannon fire stunned my Demolisher and the Dreadknight with jump back finished it off in the second turn. Dreadkight was brought down by over 100 lasgun shots from the blob. Sustained Plasma fire stopped Draigo and his Paladins from ever making it into assault. My opponent conceded Turn 4.

What worked:
Again the manticores were all stars
Plasma is my friend against 2+ saves
Mobility of the CCS was able to get it all the way to the opponents deployment zone.

What didn't:
The demolisher was brought down early
The aforementioned demolisher hulk and a destroyed Chimera penned up the blob for the most part (need to think about positioning better)

Max Points

Round 3: VS Sisters of Battle/Grey Knights

My opponents list was 2 Exorcsists, a bunch of lady marines, the ever annoying Celestine, and 2 rhinos. With GK allies of a strike squad, kitted out Dreadknight and Coteaz and some space monkeys. Bastion with Lascannon

Deployment: Standard 12inch Primary: LATERAL table quarters Secondary: Most units in no mans land Tertiary: Victory point differential

Psyker powers: Nothing helpful, both witchfire powers

Went first again even with Coteaz (burned up all my luck in this tournament) used my Manticores to stop his Exorcists from going after my armour in turn by destroying the weapon of one and stunning the other. The Demolisher damages the building and killed a few but couldn't destroy it. His turn one took out my Demolisher with some snap shots from his Multi Meltas. Second turn i was able to destroy the Bastion with a manticore and kill just about everyone inside. Plasma and Multilaser fire opened up both rhinos. The rest of the game was a bit of back and forth blowing up Chimeras and shooting Lady marines, the blob being bogged down with Celestine and her retinue. Last turn i was able to get everything into position for the lateral table quarters but lost my entire blob to the dreadknights flamer and 2 flamers from Lady Marines combined with some assault action.

Results: The Primary WOULD of been a tie if i would of READ the packet better and saw that to hold quarters the troops had to be OUT of their transports lol So needless to say my opponent won. I won the secondary, also won the tertiary by having a few hundred more points left than my opponent

What worked:
Manticores are once again MVPs
Plasma is still my friend

What didn't:
I need to pay more damn attention to the packet lol
target priority: i should of taken out his rhinos first so his ladies would of been footslogging
lost the blob, but i still think it did it's job

My Thoughts:
Company Command Squad with Plasmas still work, the 30 points for FNP i may need to shave off since it didn't do much. Going to be mission packet dependant.
Primaris Psyker Was great first game when he got the powers i needed, other 2 games was a waste of points
Plasma Vets did a great job as usual
Big blob did well, the commissar is a no brainer and the addition of a couple power axes didn't hurt.
The small blob i may just cut, its nice to sit on an objective and spread out to stop deep striking but once somebody gets into assault with them they're gone and before that happens they don't do much
Manticores are still MVPs and will be staying in the list as is
Demolisher was good, Multimelta sponsons weren't that great at BS 3 and 30 points, may add extra armor to combat all the Stunned effects i'm getting
Flamers didn't see much action, could of been poor placement, but this is becoming a theme
High toughness opponents not sure how to combat this, i've got a lot of plasma and STR 10 pie plates already
Flyers wasn't an issue this tournament as everyone i fought had the same opinion i have of them
AV14 dealt with some AV 14 and 13 and it really wasen't an issue with what i have equipped

Dropping Vendettas completely was the right call i think, the TL lascannons would of come in handy once or twice but probably would of sat in reserve until turn 4 and those 130 points were better spent elsewhere in my opinion.

Going forward i need to pay more attention to missions packets (which is obviously dependent on how soon organizers get them out) and i need to put together a 2k list for this Thursday 40k to get some practice in for templecon a month from now

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