Wednesday, September 5, 2012

First 6th Edition Tournament

It's been a while since i had a chance to blog but here is the report from my first 6e tourny. It was a low key affair aimed at people newer to the hobby and at the low point value of 1250 but it was fun nonetheless. I ended up Tabling my first opponent, getting my butt whupped by my second, and squeaking out a win over my third, overall i came in 8th out of 23 so not too shabby.

The List (and some commentary)

Imperial Guard 1250

Company Command Squad + Veteran Weapons Team + Officer of the Fleet
I didn't take advantage of their orders ability at all which is foolish on my part and the list i'm working on now will be able to take way more advantage of it. OOF has the ability to add +1 to the enemies reserve rolls and make them re-roll the table edge for flanking units. Only my first opponent had any units in reserves so really only helped out that game, possible waste of 30pts. They did pretty much no shooting, although the VWT with autocannon got in a few good shots.

Veteran squad + 3 Plasma Guns + Chimera
Veteran squad + 3 Plasma Guns + VWT + Chimera
Veteran squad + 3 Melta Guns + Chimera
Veteran squad + 3 Flamers + Chimera
I found the Plasma Guns to be pretty effective (when they didn't "get hot!") 24 inch range and rapid fire is pretty nice

the melta guns while great in theory didn't work out that well with the 12 inch range, kind of a waste in points

the flamers again were great in theory but getting them into striking range was tricky with the paper Chimeras

Guardsman Marbo
at 65 points his ability to deepstrike without scatter and throw a str8 ap2 large blast demo charge 6 inches is pretty decent, but everytime i've used him he never makes it to assault. I like Marbo but may invest the points in a heavy weapons squad that would get to shoot every turn and probably do more damage

Haven't had a lot of luck with my Vendettas leading into this tourny but he did pretty well with his twin linked lascannons blowing up AV 14 and anything else big and scary

Manticores x2
i love manticores, their ability to drop D3 str10 ap4 large templates every turn for the first 4 turns, while they are hidden behind cover is amazing. However in the future i NEED to get them in SOLID cover, they did great my first game, blown to pieces my second game in the first turn by railguns, and in my first game i lost one before it fired a shot and only got 2 shots off with my second one.

At 160 points they are worth every penny... if you get your shots off with them and don't roll 1s on your D3s when you shoot them.

Game 1
Out of the 23 people there i was randomly paired up with a person who had never played a game of 40k before... not never played in a tournament, he had never played a GAME of 40k.

To his credit 80% of his army was already well painted and he had dont his homework with the rulebook but it still ended up being a teaching game, which is fine i don't mind at all doing teaching games and the staff at Battlegrounds gave us another 30 minutes to play.

My manticores were all-stars this game dropping pie plates all over the Necrons, blowing through armor saves with AP4. Sure a fair amount got back up but by the end of the game his forces were almost completely tabled. Imotech did do a fair amount of damage to my troops, but i managed to bring him down with some concentrated firepower and unlucky saves

i got close to max points this game

Game 2
Went up against John or "Gundam John" to some named for his Tau paint scheme (which is actually pretty cool looking). I went first and managed to drop 2 pieplates with my Manticores but then it switched to his turn and he railgunned both of them to pieces.

The rest of the game was a bit downhill after that, i whittled down a fair amount of troops but with 6 troop choices he overwhelmed me and blew through my Veterans with AP5

Vendetta was largely useless this game only getting a couple shots off and blowing up a few broadsides (shield drones!!!!)

lost by a lot, only had a few units left at the end

Game 3
Time for some IG on IG action, his list was a bit different running a lot of Infantry Platoons and Heavy weapons teams, a Leman Russ Demolisher and a few chimeras.

My opponent stole the initiative and went first (DAMN!), managed to blow up a Manticore and damage a few Chimeras.

We were playing "Relic" with THREE relics... which was pretty annoying, especially with squishy troops, it was basicly a back and forth battle the whole game with me putting hands on 2 of the three relics and having the guy who grabbed it shot before he could move. The last turn of the game i had 2 relics and was making a break for freedom, he managed to take down the 4 man squad that was holding one but there was nothing he could do to the other one and the game ended with me holding one and him having slightly more points alive then myself. While i won the game it was really more of a tie.

Some other highlights were my vendetta blowing up his Demolisher right away, his HWTs taking out my Chimeras and Manticores, Marbo dropping some boom right in the midst of his blob.

Anywho thats all for now since i'm at the fire station and exhausted, until next time.


  1. Yeah, popping the Manticores was dead lucky, else they would have chewed the Tau apart.

  2. I was looking forward to dropping a bunch of AP 4 pie plates on some Tau but was just bad luck for me. That and kind of a weak spot of that list having most of my firepower eggs in one basket so to speak. Was still a fun game though John.
